Arenal Ecoglide Canopy Tour

Discover what adrenalin really means to nature lovers.

 Located in La Fortuna, in the town of San Carlos you will find Arenal Ecoglide Park is one of Costa Rica’s newest adventure parks. Arenal Ecoglide Parks canopy is built following the highest standards, approved by I.C.T.  (Instituto Costarricense de Turismo) and insured by I.N.S. (Instituto Nacional de Seguros) providing major security to our customers.


Arenal Ecoglide & Tarzan Swing location is perfect when you plan a trip to La Fortuna, you can combine your trip with this extraordinary tour that will allow you to live a very unforgettable journey enjoying nature along with a fabulous view of the majestic Arenal Volcano.

Canopy Tour and Tarzan Swing
Canopy Tour and Tarzan Swing

Arenal Ecoglide Canopy & Tarzan Swing

Two separte cables
Two separte cables

Arenal Ecoglide Canopy is known for having two separate cables, the first cable is the one you glide on, the second is for major safety precautions. The canopy consists of 15 cables and 18 platforms which are divided into three sections that are found mostly in the trees, which are designed to provide our visitors greater contact with nature.


You will find one of our major attractions the Tarzan Swing, which guarantees you will have the greatest adventure. You will forget about work, and all your worries will disappear while you enjoy your vacation, as you fly thru the trees like Tarzan.

The canopy tour not only offers you a great adventure but also an opportunity to observe all the animal life in its natural habitat. Each platform has been designed so that you can observe the forest from different angles allowing you to photograph the impressing scenery. 

Arenal Ecoglide Tour is divided in three sections: 

  • The first section has 6 cables and 7 platforms, with lengths from 10 meters up to 110 meters.
  • At the end of this section you will find the Tarzan Swing.
  • The second section has 5 cables and 6 platforms, with lengths from 100 meters up to 430 meters.


What You Should Wear:

Long pants, closed toed shoes or hiking boots. We suggest you use a sun block and insect repellant.



8:00 am

10:00 am 

1:00 pm

3:00 pm


Arenal Ecoglide Rates for Kids, Students and Adults.

Rate per person plus 13% IVA

Tour Rate per person

 Arenal Ecoglide Canopy Tour

11 cables, 13 platforms and a suspension bridge.


$ 50

Arenal Ecoglide Canopy Tour + Tarzan Swing


$ 75

Tarzan Swing


$ 30

6 Cables de Canopy + Tarzan Swing

This tour consist of 6 cables, 7 platforms, 1 tarzang swing 


$ 55

Night Canopy Tour


$ 100

Book Arenal Ecoglide Canopy Tour now and pay the day  before of the service

We accept the major´s Credit Card.

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